Terminal V Podcast 023 || Clara Cuvé

This week we hand over our decks to an artist that has been making serious in roads within the undisputed European city of techno that is Berlin. Her name is Clara Cuve and her undiluted, unadulterated and unwavering style sees her sets top out way over 140bpm. Although she is a relative new comer she has already been endorsed by none other than Ellen Allien and she continues to collect plaudits from around the techno universe.
The Berlin based artist is perfectly poised to deliver the sound of Berlin ahead of our weekend take-over of the city of techno and her mix for our podcast series is another entry in what promises to be a long and illustrious career. Before we get down to business with her mix we put a couple of questions her way to find out what makes up this femme fatale.
Tell us Clara how has the beginning to your summer been so far? Have you been able to play any parties at all?
I had my first gig last weekend, in Moscow, which was amazing. And I can also see the life in Berlin slowly goes back to normality, which makes me really happy. I can’t wait to play more gigs soon.
Is there a plan in place to see the return of parties any time soon in Berlin?
I think/hope in July there will be a few parties again in Berlin with limited capacity.
Going back a bit now can you tell us how you found your way to the world of techno?
I started listening to techno through friends in my early teenage years and also got into making music and djing pretty soon afterwards.
What sort of parties did you go to back in the beginning?
I always did go to techno parties, to the same parties I would also go today. Nothing’s really changed.
When you are not behind the decks what dancefloors can we find you on? *pre-COVID
In Berlin I always really enjoyed going to Herrensauna, Berghain, Mala Junta and Mess.
You played back to back with Ellen Allien for International Women’s Day, how was the experience given how influential she is in the world of techno?
I was really happy to play with her and it worked out really well, as everything was really spontaneously. Especially for International women’s day, which was important for both of us.
What do you have coming up bookings wise?
I don’t wanna say and hope too much at the moment, as I think everything is still unsure if it will take place or not. Let’s hope the best.
Can we expect to see any new productions from you any time soon?
Yes. I was working on several projects in quarantine and can’t wait for it to be out.
When making this mix (and others) how easy do you find it to place yourself in the moment? How do you prepare for it?
A: I do make playlists and also always dig for new music. But while recording, it’s the same as playing in clubs for me, everything happens spontaneously and I loose myself and just follow the music.
Is there any tracks or artists that we should be looking out for in the mix and why?
The last two tracks in the mix are from Amrtüm and Vizionn, two producers I really admire lately with crazy productions.
Interview by Stu Todd